Category Archives: Local News

800 customers without power in northeast Kansas

800 customers without power in northeast Kansas

Update 11:50 a.m.: Both Evergy and Free State Electric report that the power outages have been resolved. EMPORIA (KSNT) – Some Evergy and FreeState Electric customers in northeast Kansas are without power Tuesday morning. According to the Evergy Outage Map, more than 700 customers are being impacted by a power outage east of Emporia in…MORE

Gage Park mini-train, carousel set to open in March

Gage Park mini-train, carousel set to open in March

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Shawnee County Parks & Recreation (SCP+R) announced on Tuesday that the Gage Park mini-train will be opening to the public later this month. The mini-train and carousel at Gage Park will be opening on March 15 and will be open through March 23. SCP+R said the attractions will be open on weekends…MORE

Tax agents seize two Kansas Mexican restaurants for failure to pay $200,000

Tax agents seize two Kansas Mexican restaurants for failure to pay $200,000

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Law enforcement and agents with the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) seized assets belonging to two northeast Kansas Mexican restaurants recently for failure to pay thousands in taxes. Aubrey Challquist with KDOR provided 27 News with two press releases on Monday, March 3 regarding two business seizure operations that occurred at 10…MORE

Roundabout construction near Topeka causes frustration among locals

Roundabout construction near Topeka causes frustration among locals

HUNTER’S RIDGE (KSNT) – Residents north of Topeka are raising their voices over a new road improvement project this week. Construction work is set to start on Monday, March 10 along northwest 46th Street. Shawnee County is set to make safety improvements on 46th Street between Northwest Fielding Road and Northwest Rochester Road in the…MORE

KTA pushes for nationwide KTAG compatibility

KTA pushes for nationwide KTAG compatibility

TOPEKA (KSNT) – The Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) is working to make travel both through and out of the Sunflower State easier for travelers on the road by including additional states in its new cashless tolling system. 27 News reached out to the KTA this week to find out what new states the agency is…MORE

Why is my car muddy after it rained in Topeka?

Why is my car muddy after it rained in Topeka?

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Last night’s storm didn’t give Topekans a free car wash. Topeka residents may have woken up to see their vehicle covered in dirt and mud after an overnight storm. 27 News Meteorologist Ely Millard said there were wind gusts as high as 70 mph overnight. He said those winds likely picked up…MORE

Mayor weighs in on budget deficit, sales tax and Hotel Topeka

Mayor weighs in on budget deficit, sales tax and Hotel Topeka

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Topeka Mayor Mike Padilla joined Inside Kansas Politics to weigh in on some of the most pressing issues, after announcing he won’t seek re-election. Inside Kansas Politics co-host Rebekah Chung sat down with Padilla one-on-one to talk about the city’s budget deficit, Hotel Topeka, and much more. And later in the show,…MORE

Mayor weighs in on budget deficit, sales tax, and Hotel Topeka

Mayor weighs in on budget deficit, sales tax, and Hotel Topeka

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Topeka Mayor Mike Padilla joined Inside Kansas Politics to weigh in on some of the most pressing issues, after announcing he won’t seek re-election. Inside Kansas Politics co-host Rebekah Chung sat down with Padilla one-on-one to talk about the city’s budget deficit, Hotel Topeka, and much more. And later in the show,…MORE

Emporia man accused in double murder considering plea deal

Emporia man accused in double murder considering plea deal

EMPORIA (KSNT) – An Emporia man accused for the murders of two local women who went missing in 2023 is considering a possible plea deal. According to a Kiowa County, Colorado District Court clerk, prosecutors on Monday offered Phillip Lieurance an agreement to plead guilty to two counts of first-degree murder. The deal would come…MORE

City, Topeka Rescue Mission talk homelessness

City, Topeka Rescue Mission talk homelessness

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Topeka Rescue Mission CEO La Manda Cunningham and City of Topeka Director of Property Maintenance John Schardine joined the 27 News Morning Show on Monday to talk about homelessness in the capital city. Schardine and Cunningham joined 27 News Morning Anchor Matthew Johnstone on March 3 to talk about local homelessness, camp…MORE