FCC’s Carr to Newsmax: Agency Gave Soros ‘Special Shortcut’

Federal Communications Commission Chair Brendan Carr slammed the agency’s decision last week to approve a petition filed by far-left billionaire George Soros to acquire 200 local radio stations in 40 markets across the country, especially so close to Election Day.

On “Rob Schmitt Tonight” on Tuesday, Carr, a Republican, said, “We have a process to deal with cases like this where there’s excessive foreign ownership because they have investments from abroad somewhere. They haven’t disclosed that. And rather than going through that six-month to one-year process of reviewing that foreign investment, the FCC is poised to fast-track an approval of this that lets them get ahold of these 200 radio stations right away.”

It’s the first time such a deal has been approved by the full FCC without a national security review, a process that can take up to a year.

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